In a milestone year, Winking Studios proudly commemorates two decades of excellence and achievement. Established in 2003, Winking Studios has evolved into a prominent player in the industry, boasting a wealth of experience and expertise. As we approach the close of 2023, all Winking Studios’ collaborative studios have orchestrated a spectacular celebration, inviting stakeholders to reflect on the company’s remarkable journey.

Winking Studios’ narrative commenced on a blank canvas, and today, that canvas is adorned with a vibrant tapestry of accomplishments. Achieving the 20-year mark signifies not just the passage of time but the collective vision and dedication of our team. Members have inscribed their aspirations for the future onto this once pristine canvas. To honor this occasion, a meticulously curated banquet and delectable desserts have been prepared, providing a culinary experience that mirrors the warmth and joy inherent in the Winking Studios community.

To kickstart the festivities, a thoughtfully planned TikTok live event has been arranged. The highlight of this event is the heartfelt speeches from Winking’s team members, whether they are newcomers or seasoned colleagues. The authenticity and depth of their affection for Winking Studios are both moving and sincere.

Beyond the internal celebrations, Winking Studios has embarked on a meaningful mission during its 20th-anniversary period. The team has contributed warm supplies to children in welfare institutions, extending compassion to those in need during the cold winter months. Social responsibility has always been at the core of Winking Studios’ values, and this initiative reflects our commitment to making a positive impact on society.

This distinctive celebration serves as a tribute to the silent dedication of each Winking Studios employee. Recognizing that the past two decades’ success is the result of the hard work and selfless contributions of every team member, this event goes beyond a mere gathering; it’s a day of gratitude for the collaborative efforts that have defined the Winking Studios journey.

To further enrich the celebratory activities, Winking Studios has secured a movie theater, showcasing the DC blockbuster ” Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.” As a company specializing in game art outsourcing and game development services, Winking Studios encourages artists to explore diverse forms of art. Stakeholders are invited to partake in this cinematic experience, complete with popcorn and beverages, as they immerse themselves in the underwater world of Aquaman.

In the past two decades, Winking Studios has experienced significant growth, and this is just one chapter in our extraordinary journey. Anticipating the future, Winking Studios looks forward to continuing the forward momentum, exploring new territories, and remaining at the forefront of innovation.